Revolutionizing the Winery E-commerce Landscape : Overcoming Navigation Hurdles and Boosting Engagement​Winery​

The client, a prominent winery manufacturer and supplier based in California, specializes in providing premium wines to exclusive clients statewide.

They sought to improve their existing GUI features for future shipping but encountered challenges due to a less user-friendly design, leading to a negative impact on overall user experience. Additionally, they aimed to introduce a new portal to enhance user engagement and explore revenue generation opportunities. Opting for our services over other providers, they looked to achieve their growth metrics and enhance user experience effectively.​


  • User Experience Impact The introduction of the future shipping option, was not user-friendly as it was placed at the end of the page. This negatively affected the overall customer experience rating of the portal.​
  • Mobile Compatibility Issues With 90% of users accessing the portal via iPhone devices, the lack of mobile optimization resulted in frustrated customers encountering usability issues. ​
  • Overwhelming Back-office Calls The incorrectly placed new feature triggered a surge in customer inquiries, with 6-7 back-office staff receiving immediate calls from customers seeking assistance leading to disrupted operational efficiency.​
  • Need for a New Customer Engagement Portal They needed a new portal to enhance their branding and customer reach with merchandising, promoting upcoming events and more.


  • Enhanced GUI Design We introduced a user-friendly tab interface to streamline access to the Future Shipping option, improving navigation and usability for desktop users.
  • Mobile Optimization To cater to majority of the users accessing the portal via mobile devices, we implemented an accordion layout specifically tailored for cell phone platform.
  • Dynamic Tab Visibility Leveraging backend customization, we tailored the visibility of the tab feature based on the availability of Future Shipping.
  • Creation of New Online Experience To adhere to new branding vision of the client we created a new portal from scratch that gave customer an online merchandising experience of the products, information of recurring events and connected it with Outlook Calendar.


  • Increased Sales Categories The introduction of the new user interface led to an immediate surge in engagement, resulting in a remarkable 30% increase in the discovery and exploration of new product categories.
  • Enhanced Backoffice Efficiency With the implementation of a refreshing GUI, the burden on the back-office team was significantly alleviated, reducing their workload by an impressive 60%.​
  • Decreased Abandoned Carts Our tailored solutions effectively addressed user experience pain points, resulting in a substantial 60% reduction in abandoned cart rates, leading to major revenue generation.
  • Additional Growth The client achieved a remarkable 20% growth through the implementation of a new online platform, fostering enhanced customer engagement and connection.
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